Brown Hudson's Satirical Editorial Cartoons
April 29 , 2004


A. Jordan, Chief


"I joined up with OCU and the Assemblies of God to file a referendum petition that will allow Baptist layfolk to make the final decision on Senate Bill No. 553...  expanding gambling.  I will rely on our pastors to educate the layfolk."

"I am issuing an urgent call of unprecedented significance to seek God.  The presidential election  is this year for Bush's second term.  God  sends great spiritual awakenings  only  when his people unite in prayer. Your apathetic indifference will cause us to lose Bush in judgment."

Spiritual Awakening Specialist, Frizzell

Nick Garland
"Every pastor must come to the state capitol blue room next to the governor's office to pray on may 6. I, Nick Garland, will lead a prayer. Participants will be blessed by powerful special music."
"You know we don't allow women to lead men, but Shirley Dobson of "Focus on the Family" is Chair of National Prayer. She will lead us to pray for bush and spiritual awakening. We Southern Baptists are the only ones allowed to pray on the Capitol steps, but Mainstream Baptists are spearheading a gathering of Atheists, Unitarians, Pagans, Islamic  Society, University. of Oklahoma Religious Studies, Jews and Cooperating Baptist Fellowship to pray. I wonder to whom They will pray? When belief in Inerrancy of scripture is  abandoned, All boundaries are removed. Each man does what is right in his own eyes. The leader of Mainstream Oklahoma Baptists says that the reason for this substitute event is to keep fundamentalists from tarnishing government and to give all faith groups the privilege of praying. If refusing to join the MOB to pray makes me a fundamentalist, then spell it with a capital 'F'. Lift your voice in the name of Jesus, while the obu Bison Glee Club sings and Mark Brister speaks."

(Isn't this supposed to be  a  gathering for prayer?)

A. Jordan

OBU Prez,
Mark Brister

MESSenger Editor, Yeats

"My wife and I hosted a Branson bus tour of Senior Adult party animals. These party animals talk, shop, love, and anxiously await the Lord's appearing. This inspirational Branson tour was to promote the MESSENGER's work. These party animals are supporters of the Cooperative Program. We all enjoyed Branson entertainment and ice cream. Is it any wonder that the Lord trusts these party animals with the opportunity to invest in the Kingdom?

Senior party animals, watch out for events that are scheduled at the same time as the National Day of Prayer that are nothing more than expressions of humanistic pride instead of concerts of prayer to the true and living God."

(In the U.S., doesn't anyone else have a right to pray to whomever he or she pleases...God or no god? )

"Would you help us storm the gates of heaven with requests to bring about a great church-planting movement in middle America and Canada? Pray that God will raise up Christian political leaders.  For more requests call the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma."



Phil Templin
(Photo unavailable)





Keith Duncan
Falls Creek Engineer, Keith Duncan
(Photo unavailable)

"God has designed specifically for this purpose. As a civil engineer, I'm working to upgrade infrastructure at Falls Creek. The streets will be eventually coated with eleven (11) inches of asphalt. My experiences have prepared me for Falls Creek. I am here because I know God has prepared me for such a time as this. It's a calling. Roads have to be widened and the water filtration system upgraded. This is in preparation for the new 7,056-seat tabernacle. The changes are superficial. I want God to be completely glorified in my work. The enormity and complexity of this project is God-sized and only he can see this through. To learn more about the "Falls Creek Save-a-Seat Program", call the campaign office at the Baptist building. I bought a seat in honor of my mother-in-law."

"My organization for good government has collected $50,000 and can raise $800,000 or more to defeat senate bill 533 (gambling).  Anthony Jordan said Oklahomans will not be bought.  Pastors will get the 52,000 churchfolk signatures needed.

Forrest Claunch, Oklahoma Legislator

 Tom Elliff

"My church will host a training session.
May 2 will be the first signature signing
Sunday. Winning the election is my
Greatest concern."

(SB  Pat Robertson is a horse racer. He can quote scripture to justify horse Racing.)
