A collection of photos
from the site of the Old Whiteshield Camp

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Looking Southeast from the hill above Howard Flick's home place.
1. Hammon is in the background in the center              
2. The red arrow to the left is the site of the old camp
3. The green arrow in the middle is the new camp      
4. The white arrow to the right is John Flick's birth place

Looking east from the hill above Howard Flick's home place.
The green arrow is the site of the old camp

Looking northeast from John Flick's birthplace.
The green arrow is where John Flick now lives.

Looking northeast into location of new camp.
New Camp was located in the open area.

Looking west into location of  old camp.
White dots represent the heart of old camp.
Red arrow is the hill above Howard Flick's home place.

Looking north from north end of old camp.
John Flick's house is .8 miles north, under the red arrow.

Glass artifacts recovered from the center of Old Camp.

Glass artifacts recovered from the center of Old Camp.
