Bud Wynn's Other Book

Bud has written another book. It's a book of advice on financial matters, written especially for "Generation-X." The following synopsis appears on the jacket of the book

The Generation-X Files is a financial primer whose particular focus is the young investor. In the 1980's most Americans considered stock market investing a dangerous proclivity. Today, vast numbers have become prosperous shareholders, and by extension, omniscient stock pickers and self-avowed Wazoos (as in up the...). Several forces conspired to infect Joe Average with the potentially pernicious investment bug...forces such as IRAs, unmanaged index funds, 401(k) and 403(b) tax-deferred plans, professionally managed mutual funds, and inexpensive online trading platforms...fueled by the late 90's raging bull market.

In an era of instant billionaires (and ex-billionaires), incomparable business opportunity, and bloated stock valuations, The Generation-X Files is a blunt reminder of the bedrock precepts of conservative investing...the p,d,q principles. Practiced separately, these principles won't survive the test of time. For example, a diversified but low-quality portfolio represents little more than fireplace fodder. Absent diversification a quality portfolio is vulnerable to the risks of market rotation. Lacking the patience to enjoy the amazing power of compounding, a high-quality, well-diversified portfolio is susceptible to the vagaries of a volatile market and to mindless herd instinct tendencies. Deployed as a package p,d,q principles represent a strong bid for financial success and peace of mind. 

As an added feature, the book also highlights million-dollar habits to avoid while optimizing employer-matching funds (FREE MONEY). And The Generation-X Files  introduces the reader to Izzy the Inflation Monster, that cunning rascal who gobbles up an investor's hard-earned savings in retirement. Watch out for this guy. Investing is only as hard as you make it; so, keep it simple, and keep it conservative.

 Here's the Barnes & Noble.Com link to "The Generation-X Files", by Hugh F. Wynn